The unfortunate frequency of divorce in our society has provided Maria plenty of opportunity to become familiar with common mistakes less knowledgeable attorneys might miss. Many American divorcees tell disappointing stories of how their divorce not only took much longer than expected, but also cost more than they could bear. Though Maria cannot correct the seemingly dysfunctional behavior of American courts and legal system, she has the experience to know the most feasible and efficient way to negotiate your divorce.
Due to acute personal intimacy of the litigants, divorce is perhaps the most contentious of our society's legal constests. Private and often valid animosities can motivate divorcing individuals to focus on insignificant issues to the point of districting them from the main objectives of equitable distribution of both debt and wealth, child custody, alimony, and above all simply finalizing their divorce. These real but impractical emotions can leave a client vunerable to lawyers who may view contention as an opportunity to unnecessarily push an issue because this will provide the lawyer an opportunity to further bill the client. In the legal profession, this situation is sarcastically, referred to as "churning the file". Meaning, any opportunity to look into a client's file is also an opportunity to bill the client for some money. Maria detests the deliberate exploitation of any client by any fiduciary and has always been quick to confront such behavior when she identifies it. Regardless of the type of case, opposing attorneys are often disappointed when Maria won't play the file churning game. This moral integrity is a part of Maria's character. She could not separate herself from honest competent representation even if she wanted to.
Judges who have become much too comfortable in a position of civil authority sometimes impose their powers with carelessness, or even in excess of their authority. Government agencies assigned with monitoring the behavior of judiciaries are dysfunctional at best. Many lawyers are intimidated by such judges and the client suffers as a result. Maria has the tenacity, strength of character and a willingness to confront judical egos. If need be, she will confront the court when a particular decision or ruling does not agree with the decided or mandated law and ask the court to reconsider its ruling.